Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Art Challenge

Dear Mrs. Britton's Class-

I understand that you are accomplished bloggers! I love to blog and share my art and photos. I like to tell people what I am thinking when I create a piece of art. Sometimes I create art because it helps me work through feelings and sometimes I create art just because I want to evoke a feeling.

I thought it would be fun to blog with you and create art challenges for you to try!! I create art collage or mixed media pieces. Today I will just talk to you about collage.

Collage can be created in many different ways. It is the process of combining images from old papers, magazines and everyday papers into something new and meaningful to you. Images are cut out and layered together in a pleasing arrangement. I choose images that have lots of meaning for me. For instance, I may include the image of a bird in a piece of art because that signifies exploration, flight and nesting. I may also include an egg because that represents motherhood or surprise. I might also choose an image of the sun to represent happinees or light. I use these images as focal points among the layers to create my piece.

I will tell you more about my art in later blogs. I would love to leave you with a art challenge to try... here it is:

Begin with a 4x4 piece of paper.

Read a new book or think of a favorite book you might have read. I challenge you to think about how you can re-create that book in a piece of art. What did it mean to you? What are some images that remind you of the book? Think of the setting, the characters and the message the author is sending.

Next, go through magazines and find pictures you would like to use. Find a color or page that can work as your background and slowly add images (using glue) until you feel your book is represented. You will need to have an image that is your focal point. This image will draw your eye when you first look at your piece. Take a pen or a pencil and doodle somewhere on your collage. Find a place to put initials on the peice.

When you feel your piece is complete, sign your name in the bottom, right-hand corner. Above all, HAVE FUN!!!

When you are done, I would love to see what you have done. Enjoy!

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